Sunday, October 31, 2010
Graffiti Behind Mojos Coffee Shop in Austin, Texas
Face Painting Party - Birthday Ideas For Children
There are many ways in which you can plan a birthday party. You can ask children, who are invited in the party, to come in the costume of their favourite cartoon characters. Or, you can have a theme; for example, if you are arranging a party for your daughter, you can have the theme of royal family; all kids will be wearing gowns and crowns etc. and your daughter can be the princess.
Although there are many other options available for birthday parties but face painting is a great activity for birthday parties of kids. Your child will feel special by having his/her face painted, and it will also help him/her to engage in creative imaginary play. Such birthday parties make people feel that it is a special experience for everyone in attendance.
Face Painting Party - Birthday Ideas For Children
Face painting includes whole face painting, partial face painting or simple designing. Well, if you paint the whole face of a child, it can help to create a mask effect, allowing him/her to take on the character of an animal, cartoon character, princess, or other popular character. You can hire a person for face painting or you can do it yourself as well. If you are willing for this, begin by practicing various designs on a paper so that you know how you are going to execute each design. It will be a great thing if you consider learning to paint a cat, dog, butterfly, princess, favourite cartoon character of your child and a clown. One important thing when painting faces is that you will have to do it fast, because children do not like to sit for long periods of time.
As kids have very low level of patience, you can have partial face painting activity as well; it takes less time. In partial face painting, eyes of the kids are painted to look like the character of their choice. Boys can get cat eyes instead of a whole face painted like a cat, and a girl may like to have fairy or clown eyes.
If you want to save time for other activities as well then there is also an option of simple designing on the face; you can paint anything from balloons to hearts, to animals, to cartoon characters. It is not at all difficult to learn these things, but you should practice before hand so that you can make the event special for your child.
Face Painting Party - Birthday Ideas For Children
If you want to have more fun and attractions, you can also use safe cosmetic glitters to make things more interesting. Give options in a copy or on the board to select their favourite design; this would be a great time for all.
One of Mojos Graffiti Painting Collections
Summer Ski Area Oil on Canvas Painting
Hand Painted Oil Painting with Wars Theme

Dynamic Trio Body Painting Gallery
Miss Merilyn on a Milkcan Painting
Miss World 2010 – Alexandria Mills
Miss world “Alexandria Mills” with beautiful long hairstyle for 2010
Miss world “Alexandria Mills” showing off her beautiful body in swimwear
Miss world 2010 presenting underwear garments show
Miss World 2010 with half up half down hairstyle
Face Painting Party - Birthday Ideas For Children
There are many ways in which you can plan a birthday party. You can ask children, who are invited in the party, to come in the costume of their favourite cartoon characters. Or, you can have a theme; for example, if you are arranging a party for your daughter, you can have the theme of royal family; all kids will be wearing gowns and crowns etc. and your daughter can be the princess.
Although there are many other options available for birthday parties but face painting is a great activity for birthday parties of kids. Your child will feel special by having his/her face painted, and it will also help him/her to engage in creative imaginary play. Such birthday parties make people feel that it is a special experience for everyone in attendance.
Face painting includes whole face painting, partial face painting or simple designing. Well, if you paint the whole face of a child, it can help to create a mask effect, allowing him/her to take on the character of an animal, cartoon character, princess, or other popular character. You can hire a person for face painting or you can do it yourself as well. If you are willing for this, begin by practicing various designs on a paper so that you know how you are going to execute each design. It will be a great thing if you consider learning to paint a cat, dog, butterfly, princess, favourite cartoon character of your child and a clown. One important thing when painting faces is that you will have to do it fast, because children do not like to sit for long periods of time.
As kids have very low level of patience, you can have partial face painting activity as well; it takes less time. In partial face painting, eyes of the kids are painted to look like the character of their choice. Boys can get cat eyes instead of a whole face painted like a cat, and a girl may like to have fairy or clown eyes.
If you want to save time for other activities as well then there is also an option of simple designing on the face; you can paint anything from balloons to hearts, to animals, to cartoon characters. It is not at all difficult to learn these things, but you should practice before hand so that you can make the event special for your child.
If you want to have more fun and attractions, you can also use safe cosmetic glitters to make things more interesting. Give options in a copy or on the board to select their favourite design; this would be a great time for all.
Women, Painting and Power
Relief because another woman has just blindly stumbled into her gateway to creative freedom. Dread because I know the resistance and arguments I am going to be coming up against as I try to talk her out of destroying what she deems ugly and to even to begin to take the radical step of accepting what she has created with curiosity and compassion. I have to be quick here because women are nothing if not stealthy and crafty and will waste little time in eradicating the evidence of what they consider unattractive art.
This is a class in what's known as intuitive painting or process painting. The purpose of this kind of painting is to learn to listen deeply to yourself and to then courageously express what you find,without censoring anything,in a spirit of spontaneity, surrendering to the creative process.It's very different from typical art classes where the primary focus is on developing technique and ending up with a pleasing product. This type of class uses art and painting as a way to get more in touch with the inner world of soul and psyche. The focus is exclusively on exploring and expressing that internal process.
This road is difficult for most women, because even though many of us have done some kind of self investigation and recognize the value inherent in that search, we are still fighting an uphill battle against a very strong cultural bias that teaches us to place the greatest value on what is outside of us. We are taught that feelings and an inner life are fine as far as they go, but what is truly worthwhile is how we look, what we own, who we know, and where we find ourselves on the economic and status hierarchy.
The mysterious stirrings of our soul, the needs of our hearts, the messages from our bodies,and the genius of our intuition, are STILL, even after all of the battles for liberation that we have fought, denigrated and considered trivial and unimportant, unrealistic and immature. But in the world of the process arts the realm of psyche and dreams, imagination and feelings are staunchly defended as sacrosanct and even given center stage.
The women in my painting class know the rules of intuitive painting, one of which is that they are not to destroy anything or cover up what they have done just because they don't like it or have a negative reaction to it. They know what they are attempting here is an exercise in radical self acceptance which means embracing everything that comes out of them especially if it makes them uncomfortable because there's "gold in them thar hills" of the psyche that they can mine to great advantage if they are just willing to stay with the discomfort. But the urge to disavow the abomination of a perceived ugly painting by making it disappear can be overwhelming.
There are four words in the English language that you should never use in reference to a western 21st century woman if you don't want to get your teeth knocked out. Those four little words are ugly, fat, bitch and selfish.
Each of these four words addresses an issue of great importance for a woman, and what they all have in common is that they are keys to unlocking the door to our forbidden feminine power. And one thing you can count on is that each of these four issues will show up eventually if a woman seriously gives herself over to making her own art. Which is one reason that women often shy away from the creative process.
These words have extremely negative connotations for a woman and have been used to denigrate and control us for a very long time.The charge around them is so intense that as soon as we hear them we throw up our hands, recoil into a place of shame, close our eyes and back away from them as if they were Kryptonite and we were Super Girl. Since we are unwilling to be curious and explore them, we never get to see that in actuality these four words describe very positive qualities and archetypal energies that we desperately need if we are going to be complete, whole, actualized and effective feminine creators of our own lives.
One of the biggest internal obstacles to reclaiming our power is a potent archetype at work in most women's psyches that can be called the Inner Good Girl. The Good Girl lives for approval and she garners that approval by keeping women small and safe and non-threatening. She is not interested in growing up and is content to remain eternally young. Ultimately, she is the one that keeps a woman from being able to develop and flourish as someone who is strong and potent,gutsy and capable of taking authority over her own life. And the Good Girl never wants to risk being fat, selfish, ugly or bitchy.
If a woman takes her creative life seriously, if she makes a commitment to herself and devotes herself to her creative work, she will eventually reach a crossroads where she has to confront the Inner Good Girl and the list of Good Girl rules if she wants to continue creating with passion and authenticity.
We all know what those rules are.Smile, smile, smile, be sweet and nice, never get mad (or even annoyed),look pretty (which of course includes being thin), smell good, be clean and neat and always be pleasing and accommodating. Don't be loud and stay in the background. What you think or feel is not really all that important. Don't upset anyone. And never, ever make another person uncomfortable. In the Good Girl world perfection is an attainable goal and you need to work relentlessly, tirelessly, exhaustively, to be the absolute best mother, daughter, wife and friend you can be, all the while berating yourself because you inexplicably and continuously fall short of the mark.
When a woman starts her creative life she brings these same attitudes and expectations to her art. She only allows herself to paint pretty paintings that are perfect in every way. Paintings that are nice and make people smile. She is unwilling to risk disturbing or intense color or imagery; nothing that is too strong or stands out too much. But painting in this way eventually leaves her feeling bored and stifled. Pretty can be wonderful as part of a larger repertoire, but if it's all you are allowed to do it eventually becomes both a noose and a cage.
At a certain point in her creative process a woman needs to be willing to ditch the Good Girl by breaking the Good Girl rules. But breaking those rules leads a woman into the territory of the shadow side of the Good Girl, the dreaded yet fascinating BAD GIRL!
The Bad Girl is alive and well in most women's psyches and is the part of us who is sick and tired of the long list of restrictions that hem in her wild and juicy self. She is feisty and bold, full of audacity and unafraid to go for what she wants. She is adventurous and courageous, and enjoys the excitement that comes with taking positive life-affirming risks.
But our relationship to her has a strong shame and shadow element so she often gets expressed in way's that end up hurting us. She is the one who eats the whole container of the mint chocolate chip ice cream in one sitting, who doesn't return necessary phone calls to annoying family members, who spends money that she doesn't have on clothes or shoes, and who has inappropriate relationships with men or women that aren't good for her.What I am presenting here is a way to reclaim the Bad Girl energy, through painting, that is affirming and positive. To recognize that what we have been calling bad are disowned parts of ourselves that need to be brought back home.
THE SELFISH GIRL: Unafraid of putting herself first, of being needy and proud of it, of nurturing herself, of conserving her own energy, of filling her own well, willing to have limits, making her own self care her first priority, willing to be her own good mother, willing to take time just for herself, willing to confront and overcome her guilt about taking care of herself.
This is the first Bad Girl to show up when a woman attempts to have a viable creative life, and the first one I see when a woman walks in the door of my studio to attend a painting class. I hear over and over again from these women how much they have lost themselves in taking care of everyone else. How tired they are of putting everyone else's needs first and that they have come to this class because they want to do something that has no visible benefit to anyone else.
For a woman to be creative she needs to be willing to take time just for herself. She needs uninterrupted periods when she is able to enter her studio, sit down at her computer or her easel, and see what wants to come. She needs to let herself get dreamy, do nothing, stare out the window, and be seemingly unproductive. During these interludes in which she drops into a creative trance she is inviting the muse to enter her and inviting the often secret and mysterious movement of her soul to express itself.
In these moments, she begins to face herself through her art. She is able to get quiet enough so that she can listen deeply and start to ask some essential questions such as "What do I think? What do I like? What do I really want? What moves me, brings me pleasure, makes me feel alive.?" It is a me, myself and I time, a time that needs to be treated as sacred and inviolable in order to allow those creative juices to flow unimpeded and to eventually turn into a raging, rushing river.
However, it's usually not long before the telephone rings or someone taps (or sometimes pounds ) on the studio door with the cry of "I need you! And I need you RIGHT NOW!" It could be a friend, a child, a mother a husband, a work obligation, or a pipe that has just sprung a leak. All of a sudden, somebody else's needs become more important than her need to be creative, and the woman is faced with the eternal female question." Do I once again close the door to my studio and turn my back on the needs of my own soul? Do I once again prove how reliable, dutiful, compassionate , caring, self sacrificing, available, loving, responsible I am, at the terrible price of my own creative self? Knowing that I have the small, and getting smaller consolation of being able to say "Well at least no one is going to be able to call me selfish!"
THE UGLY GIRL: Willing to buck the tide, to be her own unique self, to not always conform , to step away from the need for approval, to be willing to risk censure, to step outside of the box of what is acceptable as a woman in this culture, willing to be weird, different, unique, outrageous, bold.
The most common lament or desire that I hear from my women painting student's is "But I just want my painting to be beautiful."
For most women, beauty is a need, a deep irrational hunger, and an unconscious compulsion. Our identification with the need to be beautiful is so great and so ingrained that we rarely, if ever, question it. Beauty is the key to the magic kingdom of well- being, happiness and success. It is the source of our value, the guarantee of love, our only legitimate access to power, and on a very deep level has meant survival itself. Because so much is at stake, the pressure a woman feels to be beautiful and to create something beautiful is enormous.
Our whole relationship to beauty shows up painfully and clearly in the painting process. While she is painting, there is always some beauty standard- whether she is aware of it or not- that a woman is trying to live up to. Maybe the ideal is of a painting that is neat and flawless where no mistakes or messiness, no drips or uneven lines are allowed. Or the idealized vision may be one of a painting that is balanced and symmetrical, a paragon of elegance, grace, and impeccable good taste. In this version of perfection, all the colors must match, and can only be in the range of muted pastels with the overall effect being soothing and pleasant, like a well put together design in a home and garden magazine.
Whatever the ideal, the energy put into achieving it is relentless. When I watch a woman paint I am always amazed by the passion she has for endlessly fussing over and fixing her paintings. Spontaneity is out of the question. She just takes it for granted that her painting must be well thought out, planned, and organized , and under as much of her control as is humanly possible. She is used to not trusting in her own innate beauty, and expects that the quest for beauty will entail nonstop work. She never questions the ceaseless dieting and exercising, the hours spent shopping for just the right outfit and the worrying over her skin, her hair, her nails. She always has and always will fall short of the beauty mark and just assumes that beauty is something she will continually struggle for and rarely, if ever, achieve.
The really sad thing is that she sees nothing wrong with this fretful and anxious approach to her self and to her artwork.This ceaseless and ultimately hopeless striving for the unattainable ideal is just the norm. It's really the only thing she has ever known.
These narrow constraints of beauty that a woman finds herself tangled in are always some variation on the Good Girl creed. These socially accepted standards are based on a definition of beauty that is related to being nice and non threatening, to not standing out too much and conforming to an established norm that is pleasant but not powerful. Beauty is related to compliance and convention, to following the rules and to fitting in. The Good Girl beauty ideal means that it's not OK to just be herself, warts and all. She needs to clean herself up and make herself acceptable.
When a woman is painting, the Ugly Girl often sneaks in as a mistake or imperfection, a smear or a smudge, something messy or uncontrolled.When the woman tries to clean up the mess, she finds with increasing horror that the muddle only continues to grow. She is constantly having technical calamities. The paint drips or runs, she can't control her brush, chaos reigns, and it seems like there is nothing she can do to make it stop.
She is desperate to get back to pretty. In risking spontaneity, she has found, to her horror, that she has created something that appears harsh or loud or imperfect. Or,even worse, something grotesque or malformed. She frantically tries painting more safe images, more flowers, rainbows, peaceful landscapes . But the flowers develop sharp edges and dark colors and grow completely out of control , the rainbow colors become wildly fluorescent , and the landscapes becomes populated with darkly mysterious shapes and figures .
At this point she has stepped out of the confines of charming and attractive, and into an unfamiliar landscape of the wild, the untamed the unkempt and disheveled. This is often the beginning of a relationship to the inner Wise Old Woman archetype, also known as the Witch. This is the face of the deep feminine that doesn't care about appearances . After all, the Witch walks around with missing teeth and warts, and obviously doesn't care what other people think. This is an awakening of the aspect of a woman's soul who is no longer a slave to approval and who has begun to walk down the long road away from woman as product and commodity.
THE FAT GIRL: Willing to be big, be visible, to come out of hiding, to be a woman and not a little girl, to take up space, to be hungry, to say what she wants, to know what she wants, to be full of herself, to be too big for her britches, to be a full adult, unafraid to say yes! A fat girl isn't afraid to take up space and to take her place in the world.
In my studio I offer high quality paper that is of ample size, but students can tape the sheets together to make even larger paintings. It's a heady time when a woman can let herself spread out and take up some real space,when she can make a HUGE painting, one that can sometimes cover an entire wall.
Creating a giant painting is a dizzying and terrifying prospect, and a woman often needs lots of encouragement and permission to take this step. In fact I usually need to nudge her a little. She will start with saying something about MAYBE needing to go a little bigger with her work. She feels something pushing on her, wanting to come through, and so she will ask if it's OK to use two pieces of paper instead of one. I generously offer to get the paper for her but come back with four pieces of paper, instead of the asked for two. No matter how "nice" she is, at this point she is more than willing to make a fuss, to strenuously object about how it's too much, she could never fill up that much paper, she doesn't have enough to express, she couldn't possibly take up that much room in the studio.
But as I continue to calmly pin the four pieces to the easel, nodding supportively, yet ignoring her increasingly frantic protestations, I see the gleam in her eye. She wants this opportunity to take up space, to proclaim herself in living color, to be unmistakably seen, but is trained to not give voice to this desire. I watch her as she struggles with the forbidden excitement of the challenge, the possibility, the sheer daring of it. The door to a secret longing is creaking open on long unused and rusted hinges, opening to her hunger to be big, to be bold, to be outrageous, to be visible as completely and utterly herself.
THE BITCHY GIRL: Willing to be fierce and powerful; unafraid of her own anger, unafraid to speak up, to take a stand, to have limits and boundaries, unafraid to say NO! Unafraid to combat abuse, refuses to be treated badly, willing to break connections and walk away from toxic relationships if it means protecting your own wild and precious self.
Another major crossroads occurs in the painting process when a woman realizes how angry and enraged she feels and she lets herself express it on paper for everyone to see. However, the feeling of anger is so taboo and so threatening that it will usually sneak in the back door as just a little color. Some red or black appears on the page and then slowly or by "accident" grows larger than the woman had intended .
As this continues , the artist begins to feel a little uncomfortable. She will stand back from her now unruly painting with a puzzled frown and turn to me , saying something like " That looks awfully angry," followed quickly by, "You know, I'm not really angry. I don't get angry. A little frustrated maybe, but never angry." This is a very precarious moment in the process. I have had women actually walk out of the room to get away from this intimation of anger, put on their coat and announce that they really must leave now. I am generally able to coax her back to the painting for the rest of the class, but once she leaves I will often never see her again. The reality of her own angry feelings is just too scary, the prohibitions too strong, and all I can do at this point is hope for her that someday she will be able to feel safe enough to take that deep plunge into her own passionate and furious heart .
For the woman who is ready to take that terrifying yet thrilling dive, admitting that she is indeed angry can allow an amazing intensity of feeling to come flooding out. All the years of saying yes, yes, yes when she wanted to say no, no, NO to unreasonable demands, to abuse, to putting her own needs on a perpetual back burner, come out on the paper in a frenzy of paint , of color, and of image.
For one woman it comes out as a bright red background, with black words painted simply and starkly to read "I AM SO PISSED OFF!'". For another , it is a large image of a woman with wildly flying red hair, bellowing open mouthed and brazen " What the $#%@ about me!!!"
A 60 year old woman, who has been married to a Methodist preacher for 40 years, surprises herself by painting a warrior goddess in hot pants, with a Colt 45 in one hand and a cake spatula (to be used as a whacking weapon when necessary) in the other.
The paintings sometimes depict images that are recognizable out of myth, such as a snake haired Medusa, and sometimes are expressed as a whirl of color and chaos, populated by weird, otherworldly creatures sporting very large, VERY sharp teeth. But what they all have in common is that they jump off the page with the ferocity of emotion portrayed. There is no mistaking the intent behind these paintings which is some version of " I'm mad as hell, and I'm not going to take it anymore!"
I RECENTLY READ an article in a marketing journal that was warning advertisers away from using the words power or powerful in ads directed towards women. The writer of this article was not questioning the issue of women's fear around power, just stating an obvious ( to him) fact that women won't buy things that are associated with the language of power.
We have a long history as women around being disempowered and victimized, and we have internalized this fear of power, of our own power, for way too long. We are living in times of great change and uncertainty and it is critical that we reclaim our birthright of strength, authority and creative vision to take advantage of the opportunity that we have to recreate the world as a place where our most treasured values can survive.
There are many ways to face and to heal this power wound, and approaching it through our creativity is just one of them. But it's a good place to start. As my women student's and I have learned over many years, it's quite possible to experience courage, transformation and self love by wielding the business end of a paintbrush. And breaking our long allegiance to the Good Girl and allowing the Bad Girl an honored place in our lives is not only healing, but makes life a lot more interesting and fun!
Christmas Face Painting Tips and Animal Painting Techniques
FIRST STEPS: Take things easy at first with simple to do designs. Cheek art is a perfect starting point with basic little patterns featuring holly, berries, snowflakes, stars, Christmas crackers, Christmas trees with a little bauble at the end of the branches, and even little faces. Remember that the theme is Christmas so red, white, green, silver and gold are essential colours. Painting animal markings on the cheeks, eyes and forehead can also look very effective, and because animal markings like tigers aren't straight you will get away with so much whilst perfecting your creation.
TIGER MARKINGS: Use a round brush with a pointed end and black paint. Tiger stripes are best done in groups of three. Always think big to small. Lay your brush down flat (for a thicker start) and while doing your stroke give it a very light wiggle and taper it off at the end. Each stroke is going to have a curved effect to it. Do a group of three one under the other. This effect would be ideal for cheeks with the markings starting on the outside working in towards the eyes. Doing a similar stroke on the forehead, a group of three on either side and tapering downwards towards the eyes would give a great look for an animal face painting.
PAINTING WHISKERS: If you're face painting any animal fancy dress enthusiasts this Christmas try using a small fine pointed brush, working outwards across the cheeks for a whisker effect. For any fine lines you may be painting, you will find that liquid paints will work the best.
FUR EFFECT: When trying to create a fur effect, use a medium-sized brush, working from the centre outwards. That way the edges taper off. Have a go on paper or a face painting practice pad first until you get to grips with the motion needed for your required effect.
ADVANTAGE OF SPONGES: These will play an important part in your face painting kit, being perfect for applying base coats, large areas of paint on the face and body, and great for blending colours. TIP make them go further by cutting them in half
LOURSCO: Don't make the mistake that many learners make and rush out to buy every colour under the rainbow. All you need are your primary colours which are blue, yellow, red and black and white. From these you can mix any colour and shade you want, and it will keep costs down.
GLITTER AND STICK-ON JEWELS: Depending what design you are doing, stick-on jewels, diamante and glitter can be used to stunning effect. However, as with face paint, you need to remember to use only glitter and stick-on jewels that are safe to put on a person's skin (eg body glitter). NEVER use aluminum glitter - polyester only. Aluminum glitter can really hurt the eyes and skin.
FAMILY AFFAIR: Use your family and friends to practise on, trying out different ideas. If you begin practising now, you'll be confident enough by Christmas to paint a whole face and there are some quite spectacular and highly popular choices to have a go at. The Ice Queen and animals will always be favourites along with the traditional Santa and Rudolph.
Girl Tattoos – Sexy Designs Girls Love!
Tattoos use to be a mark of rebellion.. now a fashion accessory. While tattoos are mostly applied to men, many girls have started to show how sexy and feminine tattoos can be.
Usual places for a man to have a tattoo is on the chest, shoulder or upper arm. Girls fashion can be some what revealing, so having a tattoo on those parts can limit a girls wardrobe if it needs to be hidden. Girls have to consider weather the tattoo will look good when wearing a bikini or wedding dress. Which means they are generally more careful, making sure that a tattoo is easily concealed in professional clothing.
Before searching for a sexy girl tattoo, deciding where it will be on the body is the first step. Popular places for girls are on the lower back, between the shoulder blades and below the belly button. These positions seem to reflect the latest fashion as they can be easily covered up or put on show. Avoid having a tattoo on the upper chest or breast. Pregnancy or late age can cause the tattoo to stretch and become ruined.
Sexy girl tattoo designs are often butterflies, flowers, shooting stars, dolphins and cute fairies. Although it’s exciting getting a tattoo, time should always be taken to pick a design. Hundreds of people have rushed in and just picked a design from the tattoo parlors books, to then find they don’t really like it or their friend got the exact same design the day before.
Home tattoo tattoo « Is a Hawaiian Pisces Tribal Tattoo Right for You?Get Fascinated With Monster Tattoos Design » Great Facts About Ta
A tattoo is a form of a unique artwork where a permanent picture, design or other markings are drawn on the skin by pricking it and staining it with an indelible ink. A little needle with ink is used to poke it repetitively and deeply unto your skin until such time a masterpiece is created. Butterflies, person’s names, and tribal designs, are some of the most commonly used designs for tattoos. Whatever designs you use, it always symbolizes something. It may be love ones who have touched your lives. It can also artfully cover any unwanted scars. Or, it can simply symbolize you.
Tattoos can hurt especially if you want it placed on parts where there are bones or muscles. The most painful areas for men are the abdomen, spine and chest and for women are ankle, spine and ribcage, whereas, the least painful areas for men are buttocks, arm and back and for women are abdomen, buttocks, arm and shoulder. Normally, you will bleed while the procedure is on going. Don’t panic because it will naturally stop. The healing process will usually take place in a couple of days. There’s no need to worry for as long as you take care of it and do what your tattoo artist recommends you to do, your tattoo will just came out vibrantly beautiful.
Tattoos may come in all shapes and sizes. You may wish to have it as small as a tip of a nail or may be so big enough to cover your whole body. In due time, tattoos do fade a little but it will always be there. So you have to be very careful in choosing the right design and the perfect place to put your tattoos so that you will not end up regretting it.
There are some ways to remove them these days. Laser removal, Intense Pulse Light therapy and do-it-yourself cream removal are some of the most popular ways to get rid of your unwanted tattoo. Some process can be painful and very expensive.
I hope you learned some little but great facts about tattoos. These things are important not just to people who want to have their own tattoos but also for people who plans to enter tattoo artistry.
Friday, October 29, 2010
Hawaiian Flower Tattoos – Exotic Flowers, Yet Simple
Hawaiian flower tattoos are becoming very popular. Hawaii is one of those places people dream about going to or living. If you’ve been there, you want to go back. The climate is perfect nearly all the time. The people are beautiful and friendly. It seems natural to want to express that feeling with a tattoo.
The state flower of Hawaii is the hibiscus. Hibiscus come in a wide variety of colors and sizes. If a woman wears a hibiscus behind her ear, she is either saying she is taken or is looking, depending on the ear. Hibiscus petals are only open for a short time during the day. A Hawaiian flower tattoo with hibiscus could symbolize the shortness of life.
If you’ve ever visited Hawaii you have been presented with a lei. Leis are generally made from plumeria. They bloom all year and they have a very sweet scent and a variety of colors. Plumeria can be used as an accent to a tattoo with hibiscus or on its own to signify warmth and welcome.
Hawaiian flower tattoos can be very simple or combined with other elements to make an intricate design. Someone who has visited the island may want a simple reminder of its beauty and get a Hawaiian flower tattoo. On men you might see hibiscus flowers surrounding some tribal art. Hawaii is one of the Polynesian islands and tribal tattooinghas a deep history.
Combining different symbols of the island can make a unique tattoo design. You can combine the plumeria or hibiscus with dolphins, water or waves, surfboards or even beautiful women. Plumeria and hibiscus are not the only flowers that can be used in Hawaiian flower tattoos. Hawaii is full of gorgeous flowers such as the lily, orchid and rose. All of these can be used to make a beautiful tattoo.
Because these flowers are so simple, you want to take your time and figure out how your tattoo is going to be unique. You don’t want to just go into a tattoo parlor and say you want a Hawaiian flower tattoo. You will be left with a generic tattoo that you may regret.
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Asian Dragon Tattoos : symbolize of guardianship – freedom – wisdom and empowerment
A brief overview to help you make a better guided decision when it comes to choosing your design. Dragons have long been important figures in Asian culture. The most commonly known Asian dragons include those from Japan and China, Korea, and Indonesia. Differences among the Asian dragons are minor. For example, Japanese dragons traditionally have five claws, where as in Chinese culture five clawed dragons were reserved for emperors, with four claws being the norm. Personally, my favourite are the Japanese dragons. I like them because of their long “whiskers” and jewel on their chin.
Asian dragons are distinct from their Western counterparts in that in Western culture they are viewed as pure evil whereas in Asian culture they are connected to the emperors and imperial families and are highly respected creatures.
Asian Dragon Tattoos are very popular today due to their rich diversity in design and meaning. These creatures can symbolize guardianship, freedom, wisdom, and empowerment. A unique idea is having a design in which the dragon is breathing out a flame which spells a lovers name or initials, or something similar. In this case, the dragon represents the “fire within”, which could symbolize a burning passion for someone or something.
Common locations for Asian dragon tattoos include the full back and upper arm. Upper arm designs usually consist of the dragon wrapping around the arm, with its head extending onto the chest or back. These tattoos are excellent for wrapping around curves and flattering natural body contours.?
Female Tattoo Gallery in The Next Five Minutes – Tips to Uncover the Great Artwork
We happen to live in a world that is ruled by instant gratification. We always want everything “right now”. This can work out pretty good when we need certain things, but this is not a good trait to possess when it comes tochoosing tattoos. Choosing your tattoos and getting inked should never, ever be a rushed decision. A good percentage of females are rushing into their decision and getting tattooed with designs that they only “sort of” like.
Needless to say, this is a decision that many women end up regretting. Sometimes women settle on generic designs because they keep finding the same kind of low end female tattoo gallery over and over again. Most of the galleries you find through ha search engines result will have the same exact nine year old artwork as two hundred other galleries.
While search engines are our #1 way to look for websites on the web, there is an alternative searching method which can help you find tons of the good female tattoo gallery sites you’ve been missing out on.
This method involved using internet forums. No, the forum is not the female tattoo gallery. You are simply going to find as many (big) forums as you like and use their “search” function to pull up all of the past topics where people were having conversation about tattoos. It’s simple, easy and it will give you a slew of topics that you can browse through to see where other females have found great tattoos. You can find one nice female tattoo gallery after the next this way.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Sexy Tattoos – Getting Sexy Tattoo That You Won’t Regret
I’ve been studying sexy tattoos for a while and have noticed some common themes in which the best sexy ink all have in common. I’ve narrowed them down into 3 tips for getting sexy tattoos. Check it out:
1. Classic Beauty. There’s sexy, and then there’s sleazy. There’s beauty and then there’s trashy. And honestly, sometimes it can be hard to tell. Especially when trends change and something could be considered sexy one year and then next people see it as more trashy. But we will get to trends in the next tip. For this tip I want to reveal a way where you simply can’t go wrong when choosing sexy ink. Always go with classic beauty. Something that has held up over time as being beautiful, is definitely something that is extremely sexy. Nature related tats are always beautiful, and when placed on a woman’s body can turn into something extremely sexy. Flowers are classic, butterfly’s can be naturally beautiful and thus sexy; these are a few examples of classic beauty which has stood the test of time.
2. Trend-Free! At all costs, avoid trends! Something that your girlfriends are trying to convince you is sexy because a lot of other people have it will likely turn out to be a trend, and a few years down the road you will all regret getting that design. Sexy is NOT a trend. Sexy is something that will last and stand the test of time. Trends come and go, so remember to choose something of lasting beauty, rather than momentary trendiness.
3. High Quality Work. Very important! If you’ve seen all the low back tattoos that women have gotten in recent years, you will notice that some of them can be sexy, while others not so much. The difference? Besides design, it’s usually the quality of the work. You can choose a low back butterfly tattoo but if you go with a cheap design, then it’s going to turn out looking really lame, and not sexy as it should. High quality designs are so important for getting sexy ink. They pop out much more and are far more beautiful than low quality designs.
The Hottest Tattoo Designs for Women – Art of Identify
Tattoo designs for women must be representative and meaningful enough to show up the real fine point and gorgeousness of the woman’s body. After all, women resort to tattoo art to identify a part of their character and emanate their exquisiteness and sexuality. As a result, thorough planning and consideration should be exerted when planning what tattoo designs to go for.
Whatever tat image a woman go for, it will be forever a description of a part of her personality. If she wants to utter it right, she ought to get something that has substance and personal meaning to her. Here are some of the most well-liked and favored tattoo designs that women usually go for.
Flower Tattoos
Flowers are stunning and perhaps, one of nature’s best gift. With their aesthetic appeal and deep symbolical meaning, it is no surprise that they usually end up tattooed on a woman’s skin. Some of the most popular floral tats are cherry blossoms, lotus, lilies and roses. For a more tropical chic, Hawaiian flower tattoos like hibiscus, plumeria and orchid are chosen.
Butterfly Tattoos
Butterflies have lively hues and remarkable shapes not to mention the symbolical meaning attached to them. They imply change, transformation and new life which are all aspects in life that women can associate to. The loveliness of the butterfly plus the deep representation they hold made them a classic tattoo design among women.
Stars are perhaps one of the oldest symbols and women like them because of their simplicity and flexibility. They can literally be tattooed anywhere on the body and still look great and interesting. They are rendered on the skin either as a lone star, group of stars and the very popular shooting star tattoos.
Fairy and Angel
Fairies are fun, imaginary creatures that appear to be a symbol for women as being cheerful, naughty and liberated. Their magic powers and fantasy charisma not to mention their lovely appearance are the very reasons why fairy tattoos are very much a favorite tat theme among women. Angels on the other hand are seen as guardians and protectors so they definitely suggest that notion whenever a woman has it tattooed on her body. The angel wings tattoo, on the other hand are commonly inked on a woman’s back and supposedly signifythe desire to fly.
Animals and Insects
There are several animals that can be commonly seen tattooed on a woman’s body. They are usually the ones that are tame and not so wild that men usually go for. Birds like swallow and sparrow are hit among women. Fish and dolphin are friendly animal creatures that women love to be tattooed on their body. Insects like lady bug and especially dragonflies are also favored by women because of their attractive colors and significant meaning.
When it comes to locations of tattoos, there are also chief favorites among women depending on their design of choice. For small and simple tat, the foot, ankle and wrist are favorite locations. For intricate and detailed tattoo designs, the rib cage, back, shoulder blade and lower stomach are the choice tattoo locations for women